producer in the world.
We maintain the highest quality control throughout the entire production in compliance with recognized quality management systems. The taste and quality of our product is highly prized by customers in 65 countries.
Every single day millions of meals worldwide are fried, braised and roasted with our oil. It compliments salad dressings of the world’s finest cuisines. Our mission is to produce highest quality sunflower oil and to deliver that very bottle of Kernel into your kitchen. The bottle of sunflower oil that suits all your culinary needs.
Make your cooking fun!

About Kernel
Sunflowers, native to North America, were first brought to Europe in the 16th century by the Spanish. For many years sunflowers, associated with longevity and adoration, were admired mainly as ornamental plant.
It wasn’t until the early 19th century that sunflower became a common crop in Eastern Europe and its miraculous seed oil with a delicate taste and aroma got greatly appreciated. Its rich nutrients, including vitamins A, C and E, have remained unrivalled for centuries. The sunflower oil industry in Ukraine continues its rapid development, improving cultivation technology, production and refining.

We take great pride in our homeland which is the birthplace of the very best sunflower oil. Ukrainian sun-drenched black soil grows vast fields of these magnificent sun-like plants, which constitute 40% of world exports.
We constantly invest in new technology to ensure our production facilities can handle rising demand for sunflower oil. Ukraine’s climate and rich soil allow to cultivate the finest varieties of sunflowers. Our team of experts combine the highest level of expertise and passionate dedication to making quality product.

Kernel is the number one sunflower oil producer in the world. Every day we do our best to improve the craft and to rightfully hold such a proud title.
Our sunflowers are grown, harvested and stored entirely by Kernel. Our experts carefully monitor production procedures: all the way from preparing the soil to shipping the product to retailers.

Kernel is known and loved all around the world. Our sunflower oil is the ultimate benchmark for quality. This is the reason why so many families trust us with their daily meals. Once a bottle of Kernel finds its place in your kitchen you will never want to try anything else. Kernel Sunflower Oil is a perfect accompaniment with any food.

Product Line
The range of oil "Kernel" is represented in 4 variations for the most comfortable use.
Compact0.5 litres
CLASSIC1 litre